Sunday, April 23, 2017

New Technology Tools Are Changing Our Lives - Even How We Plan Or Attend a Funeral

New Funeral Technology is Improving the Great Value and Support a Funeral Director Offers Families
The following is a true story;
"Not too long ago, a friend of mine approached me whose aunt had just recently passed away. He was unable to travel to the funeral service due to a serious prior work commitment, but was comforted to hear that the technology existed to broadcast the funeral service LIVE on the internet. At his request, we contacted the funeral home that was caring for his aunt and informed them of the family's desire to broadcast their memorial service LIVE on the Internet. Unfortunately, this particular Funeral Home was not willing to expand their services for his family's request and take advantage of today's new technologies. I regret to say that my friend was unable to participate in his aunt's life celebration, and his family was extremely upset when they heard about the incident." Curtis Funk, President,
If you really think about this story, not only can I can assure you that this person's family will be taking their future business elsewhere, but I can also assure you that there are many other people who will be hearing about this story.
Now, maybe this story is an extremely uncommon situation, but what I believe is most important here is the underlying message. Funeral Webcasting, despite all of the recent hype in the funeral industry, is by no means a new technology. In fact, over the last few years it has been quickly gaining traction to the point where most family members are beginning to request it, or at the very least, expect this to be a regular part of a Funeral Director's recommendations and services. So I cannot emphasize enough how important it that Funeral Directors embrace the many new technologies that are being so widely embraced today.
To further prove this point, in the March 2009 edition of the National Funeral Director's Association's Magazine, "Director", John D. Reed, NFDA's President, had the following to say; "There is no doubt that with today's technology, even the smallest Funeral Homes can be more competitive and cost-effective and offer the families they serve a wider range of products and services... imagine how much you could increase your bottom line by taking a bold step and incorporating inexpensive technology into your business operations."
The reality is Funeral Webcasting is just one of today's many new and innovative technologies that are widely recognized in the funeral industry as common services that help make a difficult situation a little easier. In fact, in a recent article by Fox News regarding their choices for the Top 8 Tech Trends of 2010, their #1 Tech Trend was; "You'll Attend a Funeral Online".
I can also assure you that after recently experiencing the personal loss of my mother in 2008, I firmly believe there are also several other technologies that can significantly benefit most families. In fact, our surveys indicate that Funeral DVD Video Tributes and a Memorial Websites are also among the most popular technology tools families are searching for today. Therefore, it only makes sense that these should be viewed as standard services that today's Funeral Directors recommend and provide.
The reality is that these new technologies can also help every Funeral Director in multiple ways, such as help strengthen their relationship their families and communities, keep pace with the competition, increase website traffic, receive more family referrals, increase their credibility, and open up many more opportunities for expansion and growth.
My strong suggestion for every Funeral Director is, rather than sitting around and waiting for the families to request these technologies before you begin offering them, consider being proactive and taking advantage of these new opportunities in the marketplace today. By doing so, I am fully confident that you will see immediate benefits for both your families and business. It is also important to point out that if your competitors have not already done so, you can be sure they will be capitalizing on these new technology tools and integrating them as a standard part of the services they suggest and provide.
Our experience with both families and Funeral Directors is that regardless of the family's situation, or the size of your city or town, families of all kinds and sizes will warmly embrace and accept these types of services when they are correctly presented to them.
So in summary, here are some things we know for certain. First, given the advent of the Internet and the constant evolution of new and improved technology, we know for certain that one of the many keys to the future of the funeral industry is keeping pace with today's constantly changing environment. Second, we know for certain that Funeral Directors will do what they have done for centuries, which is find new ways to adapt the these changes. Our goal at FuneralResources is to help facilitate this process sooner versus later.

Careers in Information Technology

Anywhere in the world we have witnessed that technology are still booming every day. From time to time, there are new inventions and discoveries that our witty scientists are going to discover. New eureka and new ideas are always coming along the way. Technology had changed almost all aspects of the world. From the smallest things and up to the most complicated ones, technology was able to made changes on it. With these various changes, we can already answer on why also the world requires new workers who are capable of the new technology that are arising. Information technology is one of the most important and valuable career as of today's generation and it is all because of the world's evolution when it comes to its knowledge and inventions.
There is no wonder for us on why we have seen a lot of people who engage in the study of information technology, since you can be among those who will benefit a lot if you have the skills and knowledge about this particular era of the earth. If you are among those who were able to gain knowledge and skills about information technology, then you can probably have the chance to grab the different careers in the field of IT. Since technology is booming all around the world, most of the companies also are in need of the most skilled and highly capable workers who can manipulate all network infrastructures, software systems and even with the different technical problems that might happen in the field of technology. If you do not have all this knowledge then it will be hard for you to handle all the pressures within your workplace.
Information technology careers already gained the greatest number of applicants since this is also the most in demand tasks that most of the companies are now having. If you have the firm knowledge about what information technology is, a certification which will merit your skills in your field of expertise. And a good years of experience, then you can have the chance of having your job in the IT field. One of the most chosen careers in IT is the Computer Software Engineer, which are those jobs that are responsible for the research, designs, and for the development of a certain network and with the various operating software systems.
If you have all these knowledge and skills, then probably, there are no hesitations for them to hire you. You can also choose to become a Network Administrator, which is the person being responsible with the maintenance of the local area network, the wide area network, internet connections, and even with the different network security applications. If you apply for this job, you are also responsible for the distinct designs, installations, software supports and even with the computer network system of a certain company that you are working for.
These are the most imperative careers in the field of information technology, and keep in mind that in order to have these kind of careers you must have achieve a Bachelor's Degree in computer technology or a certification that will merit your capabilities in handling this kind of job.
Learn the latest careers of information technology in this site: [] / make online money [].

Cool Ideas For Science Fair Projects

It happens more often than you realize, but many of the cool ideas for science fair projects are actually part of the simpler ideas. This is because the simpler your project, the more easy it is to understand. Understanding or being able to demonstrate a scientific concept is usually the end goal of all science fair projects. So being able to create a simple one that explains things perfectly always ends up looking really cool.
In order to have one of the cooler science projects at this year's fair, come up with simple ideas for science fair projects. Think of some basic concepts in science, making sure that these are concepts that you know well, and then jazz it up. A big part of the science fair is coming up with something rather original, and so your simple idea with a simple but original demonstration is sure to gain you points with the judges and the crowd!
For example, many ideas for science fair projects involve using or harnessing electric power. While the lemon or potato battery is still impressive in the lower grades, think about how you can create a battery using water and some salt. When you get down to it, the concepts being used are really simple, and are just the basics of electricity, but knowing that you're the only one at the fair with a water battery is going to make you really original.
If you want to get ideas for science fair projects that are more out of the box, read ahead in your textbook. Most of the time, students choose to do projects that involve concepts that were already studied in class. This is understandable because this is what students have learned and understood well enough to demonstrate or create a project about. To be original, studying ahead and fully understanding a topic before anyone else can help make your science project stick out. They will all be creating batteries for electricity while you demonstrate lightning in jar.
You may also get ideas for science fair projects from science topics that you are unlikely to discuss fully in school. For example, the theory of aerodynamics is usually touched on in physics class, but it's never really discussed in detail or to the point where you are solving equations regarding lift and air speed, and all the rest. That means doing a project on aerodynamics will make you really original and really cool. Stick to the simpler concepts, and you won't have much of a problem. Remember to also keep your project simple. This will assure you that it will work, and that it will be very cool!
Coming up with a new idea for the science fair every year can be a challenge. If you need a source for some great ideas tailored to specific grade levels, check out Amazing Science Discovery [] where you will find great project and experiment ideas for the science fair, as well as a few you can do for fun right in your own home!

Science Fair Projects For Kids - First Grade Preparation

Some of the best science fair projects for kids are the simplest. This is because these are the projects that will help them learn the concepts well. Many times, helping your child create a very complicated project ends up disastrous. It ends up being your project, and not theirs. You know how it works, but they may not. While they probably can turn on the switch or go through the motions to get the show started, it doesn't mean your child has learned what needs to be learned.
Simple science fair projects for kids assures you that there is learning being done. If not new learning, then better understanding is just as good because this will help build their confidence in the subject of science. When choosing a project for your child, ask them what they like about science, and what they understand about what needs to be done. This will help you steer them in the direction of a good project, but a project that they do understand.
Start doing simple science fair projects for kids while your children are young, and maybe not even ready to join the science fair yet. At least it will get them used to project creation, and it will help hone their science concepts. The first grade is usually a good age and grade level to begin making science projects, even if they're just at home. Seeing how well your child understands the world around them is one way to get to know your child's progress in school. This is also a good idea if you feel your child may be gifted or highly intelligent. Catching the signs of giftedness early can help you place them in special schools that will further their intellectual development and skills.
For the first grade, some simple science fair projects for kids include observing the environment. Discuss why the sky is blue, and do the colored jar project. Adding milk to some water and shining a flashlight on it in a dark room will teach your child about how the sky appears blue. The milk in the water mimmicks particles found in the air or sky. Depending on the angle of the flashlight, the liquid in the jar will change colors. This is the same reason why our sunsets are reddish and our sunrises are pink. The sun's angles hit the particles in the air differently at these times, and they appear differently. When the sun is at a direct angle, the sky appears blue!
There are many more science fair projects for kids that you can begin doing with your children at an early age. Using science projects to explain their questions to them is one way to get them interested in science. For example, if your child asks you why leaves change color, do leaf chromatography with them. If they wonder why sometimes there's a spark when they touch a doorknob, teach them about static electricity. Answering their questions in this manner will help them keep learning, and stay fascinated!
Though first graders usually do not join the science fair, other schools make an exception. Get your child started with science fair entries early, and they're sure to win! Check out some of the projects you can easily do at home by going to Amazing Science Discovery.

Assistive Technology For People With Disabilities

The only thing "disabling" about living with a disability is the inconvenience presented by things designed to suit the needs of most people. If you are in a wheelchair, a long flight of stairs presents a challenge. By removing barriers to access-for example by building wheelchair ramps-it's possible to minimize the inconvenience for people with disabilities. While ramps are no new invention, there are numerous technologies that can be used to aid the disabled.
Assistive technologies are applications of modern technology to make it easier for people with disabilities to live their lives independently and with confidence. The first law specifically advocating the development of assistive technology is the Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988. Since then numerous laws have been passed to expand the use of assistive technologies and support their development.
Many of the earliest applications of assistive technology were for people with hearing difficulty. For decades now, telecommunications companies have been required to provide systems that convert between text and speech for the hard of hearing, including teletext and closed captioning. These systems were implemented before the development of effective computer-based text-to-speech, so they were carried out by people trained to listen and type in real time.
Assistive technologies for computer use have boomed in recent years as access to computers and the internet have become a crucial component of modern life. With the help of screen readers and similar technology, people with visual impairments can use the internet almost as easily as a person without visual impairments. This has enabled the visually impaired to have access to the wealth of information available online.
Aside from technologies for the hearing- and visually-impaired, people with other kinds of disabilities also benefit from technology. Mobility technology and durable medical equipment allow people with conditions like cerebral palsy to get around independently-something that would have been nearly impossible not long ago. Mobility technologies have also helped many elderly people live much fuller lives than they would otherwise.
If you live with a disability, you can seek financial assistance from the Social Security Administration to help you pay for assistive technology. The process of receiving social security benefits can be a difficult one, however. Only a lawyer can help you successfully get the technology you need.
The experienced Indiana disability lawyers of the Hankey Law Office are here to help you. To discuss your case directly with an Indianapolis disability attorney, call the Hankey Law Office today.
Joseph Devine

Virtual Reality Technology

To say that virtual reality technology has finally arrived would not quite be correct, but it is closer than ever. Let's take a look at this new and developing advancement in our lives.
Virtual reality technology has taken our fantasies and is trying to make them real-or at least, as real as a computer can simulate. That you can stand (or sit) in your own living room and take a virtual tour of ancient Rome, or have your golf swing analyzed is just short of a technological miracle.
Today's scientists are working on developing the most realistic 3D simulated worlds they can, using virtual reality technology. Computers, combined with special interfacing peripherals, are capable of simulating any environment written into its programs.
Basically, the requirements for such a simulated environment require that the computer and its peripherals be able to project a 3D world that looks at real as possible to the user. It is also necessary that the programs be able to track the user's movements, using that information to adjust the environment accordingly, to give the user a sense of total immersion into his virtual environment.
The degree to which a user feels completely immersed in the virtual environment is called telepresence. Along with being able to interact with the environment, telepresence in virtual reality technology is the standard by which this advancement is measured. A successful telepresence will give the user a sense that he is no longer in his own world, and will have to cooperate and interact with his new environment.
Therefore, the quality of the display is vital. Image resolution and sound quality are the primary systems with the most focus on them in virtual reality technology. But there are scientists working on other sensory feedback systems. User force feedback, called haptic systems, is the event whereupon a user can reach out and touch a virtual object and receive computerized feedback that actually makes the user feel a corresponding sensation. This is the newest element of development in the virtual reality technology world.
For example-about that golf swing analysis we mentioned earlier. Using an actual golf club, the user feels it in his hands, but what he sees, when he looks at it, will be a virtual representation of the golf club. That is one way scientists are using haptic systems to give the sensation of full immersion into a 3D world.
The peripherals used in virtual reality technology become an important factor in giving the user the ability to interact with his 3D world. Such peripherals, like data gloves and omni-directional treadmills, body suits, headsets and joysticks are but a few of the devices in common use today as part of the experience.
The financial implications of virtual reality technology is astounding. Virtual reality technology is not limited to games and theater. With this capability, it will be possible to create products virtually and make changes to them without having to actually build and scrap them. Medical, educational and businesses the world over stand to make great strides in their respective fields when the costs of research and development are reduced through the use of virtual reality technology.
R.David Smith is an ordinary guy on an extraordinary journey through life's up and downs with the ins and outs.He gladly shares nuggets found along the way and hopes to help others in the process. This was interesting find about virtual reality technology [], updates, news and products at [].

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Workplace Personal Financial Education Works

With nearly 75% of all employees living paycheck-to-paycheck, personal finance issues can adversely affect the work performance. To combat this growing trend, employers are increasingly offering workplace personal financial education for their employees as part of their benefits program. They see this as a real need to help their employees. Further, they see this as an opportunity to fulfill obligations imposed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and recent Depart of Labor (DOL) guidelines. Since 1990, DOL has encouraged employers to provide financial education to help workers better understand their employer-sponsored retirement plans.
The top 10 reason why employers embrace workplace financial education includes:
1. To increase participation in and contributions to 401(K), 403(B), and other retirement plans.
2. To help workers improve their personal financial wellness.
3. To help workers remove obstacles to fully funding their retirement plans.
4. To increase employee loyalty and morale.
5. To improve workers' chances to retire early or on time.
6. To reduce workers' stress.
7. To increase workplace productivity.
8. To reduce the incidence of employee theft.
9. To help employers avoid lawsuits.
10. To remove limits on tax-deferred savings for highly compensated employees.
Previously, most workplace personal financial education programs were offered via face-to face training seminars and workshops. This delivery method can be costly and requires that everyone be present. As result of these constraints, this delivery method has not always proved to be the most successful. To address this issue, Strativia Software develops branded workplace personal financial education web portals and sites that seamlessly integrate into a company's existing intranet or corporate website. These portals are filled with unbiased financial education content, surveys, assessments, calculators, and other tools and resources.
Employers are not alone in recognizing the benefits of financial education. Workers also want personal financial education provided through their employers. They feel this service is more valuable than some other less frequently used benefits provided by their employer.
If a company does not currently offer a workplace personal financial education program to their employees, they should look to implement such a program as soon as possible. A personal financial education web portal or website can yield huge benefits for the long and short term for both the organization and the people involved. Regardless of your specific need in the area of financial education, there is a solution. In fact, Strativia's branded portals are creative and user-friendly with a focus on personal financial literacy, retirement planning and preparation, and investor education.

New Technology Tools Are Changing Our Lives - Even How We Plan Or Attend a Funeral

New Funeral Technology is Improving the Great Value and Support a Funeral Director Offers Families The following is a true story; ...